Dr. Kavanaugh Describes Missions Trip To Kiwanis

Our guest speaker, Dr. Barry Kavanaugh, Seven Lakes Eye Center, shared his remarkable story of a mission trip to Mexico.  Barry and 12 other members of Christ Community Church (CCC) traveled to the city of Ciudad Valles where they helped about 80 people.  Then they traveled to rural mountain villages who had never received any type of medical/optical services.

The group saw approximately 260 people each day.  Villagers communicated through interpreters, most had little or no vision and were skeptical about glasses.  Each person received at least one pair of glasses, either prescription glasses or reading glasses.

Dr. Kavanaugh and the CCC group enjoyed the beautiful village mountains and enjoyed watching the villagers use their new glasses to see their environment for the first time!  Truly a special trip for each member of the group!