Freedom Is Not Free
On Saturday, May 27th, the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) Chapter 966 hosted a memorial service for fallen soldiers at Veterans Memorial in Carthage.
Two poems were recited, including “We Must Remember” which was read by Joanne Conrad.
The group was led in a prayer by fellow VVA member Bill McNeill.
“We miss them, and we will not forget them,” he said.
The names of fallen soldiers were read, and a bell was rung each. Names of deceased VVA members and Associates of VVA were also read.
Five wreaths were presented for those who fought for our freedom – the highest number of wreaths that has ever been presented.
Four members of the Junior ROTC from Union Pines High School were also present at the event. These member include Anthony Dugan, Isabelle Atkeson, Dan Rathbun, and Shawn Ross.

Veteran Sharon Stallings. Air Traffic Controller of 17 Years.

VVA Members

J-ROTC Member Ringing the Bell for Fallen Soldiers

J-ROTC Members with VVA President Dan Conrad and Past VVA President Mike Pusillo