For many years, the Seven Lakes area has been fortunate to have a lending library for use by the Seven Lakes Community thanks to generous donations of space, library materials and volunteers to maintain the collection.

The library is located in the Seven Lakes Executive Center on Seven Lakes Drive near the intersection with 211. The owner of the office building has generously donated the hallway space in the building to house the library materials. The collection consists of hardback and paperback novels with an assortment of popular fiction, nonfiction, biographies, romance novels, mysteries, thrillers and larger print editions of select titles. A small collection of children and teen materials are available, as well as a wide selection of jigsaw puzzles. If the library continues, we would be open to donations of cookbooks and audiobooks. All materials can be taken and returned to a bench located in the hallway at your convenience. A library volunteer reshelves materials daily. The library has largely been open weekdays 9:00-5:00.

Pat Dantzer, with the assistance of a handful of ladies over the years, provided 15 years of volunteer service to the community to keep the library open. She now needs to turn the responsibilities to new volunteers and has announced that April 19th is her final day. We are in need of a person who can unlock and lock the office door each day, as well as several volunteers who can donate a few hours a month to help with basic library maintenance.
Please contact Pat Dantzer at 400-5380 or Lou Ellen Runyan at 400-5291 if you can help volunteer some time to help keep this valuable community resource open.