Hugh Madison (L), Master Beekeeper, is shown with Buddy Spong, Kiwanis Program Chairman. Hugh explained the ins and outs of what a Beekeeper is and what the importance of bees is to our environment. He spoke to the importance of beehives and the irreplaceable value of honey bees in our food system. Hugh presented many details of what it would take to become your own beekeeper. Topics that he covered: Beekeeping equipment, the biology of the honeybee, how to treat and deal with bee stings, what to do when a swarm occurs, general management of beehives, how to extract honey, and how to identify and treat bee diseases. A lot of knowledge was gained in a short period of time. Hugh teaches a course for “Beginner Beekeepers” at the Sandhills Communtiy College. Thanks to Hugh for sharing his expertise with our club members.