The beauty of the Seven Lakes area is consistently upheld and constantly well groomed. This is due to the excellent contribution of agricultural contributions of the Seven Lakes Village Beautification Committee.
The Seven Lakes Village Beautification Committee began back in 2002 and was founded by the Seven Lakes Garden Club. Now with the leadership of Al and Linda Geiger, who joined the organization back in 2004, the SLVBC has been flourishing the grounds keeping Seven Lakes looking beautiful.
“We have about eight active people who assist in volunteering with us.” Al Geiger stated, “We are always accepting new volunteers.”

These volunteers work along the most seen areas of Seven Lakes, including along the railroad tracks at the intersection of Hwy 211 and Seven Lakes Drive.
The SLVBC has diligently worked year after year to maintain and provide fresh plants as well as ensure the grounds are mowed. They garden throughout the season, maintain the Zen Garden, and also take initiative in updating the signs on Hwy 211 as well as on Seven Lakes Drive.
“The rewarding part is the transformation, and the things that were not there before we came, like that Zen Garden, which used to be a weedy overgrown area and now its really attractive,” Al Geiger said.
Committee volunteer Terry Hunt and her husband designed the Zen Garden, located at the intersection of Seven Lakes Drive and Carthage Road, which now is what the SLVBC is proud to maintain.
The Zen Garden was placed along with a plaque from the SLVBC to thank and honor Terry Hunt for her contribution and devotion to the Seven Lakes community.

With operating on a volunteer and donation-organized basis, the SLVBC is constantly at work preparing and up keeping the grounds under their current jurisdiction. With the spring months moving quickly into North Carolina, the support and financial provision for the SLVBC are needed.
The SLVBC are in need of financial donations to continue the upkeep and maintenance of the Seven Lakes grounds they are currently contributing to.
With currently doing a fundraiser, the SLVBC has sent out letters to a large amount of Seven Lakes businesses and residents to bring awareness of their need from assistance in preparing for the needs or the grounds and upkeep costs. With the SLVBC’s thanks to Carolyn Sink, the design and creation of the letters released to the community have been well received and supported.
To find out more about volunteer opportunities, please contact Al and Linda Gieger via email at To make a contribution or donation to the Seven Lakes Village Beautification Committee please mail the check to 2174 Seven Lakes South, West End NC, 27376.