The annual Bluebird House Build project happened on Tuesday, April 18, at West End Elementary School. Bill Pratt led the project again this year.
Kiwanis Club of Seven Lakes members showed up with pre-cut bluebird house kits ready for assembly.
The kindergarten children lined up to be assigned to a Kiwanian who volunteered their time, energy and fingers for potential smashing to this fun project. The hammer skill levels of a five-year-old are amazing and their determination and drive is equally impressive.
The cedar houses are all pre-cut and pre-drilled for ease of assembly by five-year-olds assisted by adults of varying carpentry skill levels. Everyone has a lot of fun.
Nothing is better than seeing those big smiles on the faces of the children as they hug their finished bluebird house.
This year, the students assembled 50 bluebird houses in just about two hours. Thank you to
the 17 Kiwanian volunteers who helped make this project a success.