Garden Club Visits McLean House Healing Garden

Lynda Acker, a co-designer of the Clara McLean House Healing Garden offering a tour to the Garden Club of Seven Lakes. Contributed Photo


The Seven Lakes Garden Club made a visit to the Clara McLean House Healing Garden in May. 

Hostess Lynda Acker co-designed the garden. Her story conveyed how the garden was a labor of love when it was built and remains a labor of love today. 

The process for designing and building a healing garden included mindfulness about the needs of its visitors: those who are facing medical challenges for themselves or their loved ones and those who need a bit of respite from the intense physical and mental stresses of treatment. 

The garden contains sculptures and garden art from Clara McLean’s home garden.

The garden is designed with rooms focused on different needs. Overall, it is soothing and peaceful with easy transitions and soft colors. 

The garden was created and is maintained with many volunteer hands and donated dollars. 

The amazing stonework includes the Dove Cote work shed as a centerpiece. The cascading water feature provides the gentle flow of water without the risk of a pond

to tempt the children. 

Fairy houses, checker and chess boards, toadstool tables, and lovely garden art enhance the garden experience. 

It was a great day in the garden. Acker personalized the tour with stories of those who have visited and loved the garden and are memorialized there. 

Volunteers are always needed at the garden. If you are interested in helping, contact Lynda Acker at