Mira Music Fest Returns

Elijah and a Mira guide dog take it easy. Photo courtesy of Mira Foundation USA.

Staff Report

Mira Music Fest is scheduled to return to Rubicon Farm from 2-7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28.

The annual outdoor festival will feature live performances by Scytian, Justin Clyde Williams and Julia Golden. Proceeds from the event go to provide guide dogs for blind children through the Mira Foundation USA, a non-profit based in Pinehurst. 

Mira USA is the only organization serving the United States with the purpose of placing guide dogs with blind American children, at no charge to the student or their family. Co-founded in 2009 by the late Robert and Elaine Baillee, and Guy Bouvier, Mira Foundation USA is in the planning stages to build a service dog school in North Carolina.

The afternoon of music, food, drinks and a chance to win in a Bourbon raffle contribute to success stories like Elijah who recently graduated from Mira Guide Dog School currently located in Canada. 

According to Mira Foundation USA Chief Development Officer Bonnie Archibald, Elijah received his guide dog this summer after funds were raised for him In 2021 at the Mira Music Fest.

“Due to COVID-19 restrictions, he couldn’t attend guide dog school earlier,” she said, “but he just graduated at the age of 12 and is doing great. His family is military and used to be stationed here at Fort Liberty.”

More information about Mira Music Fest, tickets and raffle details are available at miraevents.org.