Women of Seven Lakes Plans New Year

The Women of Seven Lakes 2024- 2025 board members. In the front row from left are: Angie Huber, Barbara Simpson, Gayle van Dijk, Lee Williams and Carla Neiswanger. In the back row from left are: Kathy McNamara, Sharon Payne, Cathie Wilson, Leslie Rose. Photo courtesy of the Women of Seven Lakes


The first meeting of the 2024-2025 membership year of the Women of Seven Lakes will be held on Thursday, Sept. 5, at The Chapel in the Pines starting at noon.

The meeting will include an icebreaker, lunch and a 50/50 raffle. Details about the plans for the upcoming year will be announced at the meeting and volunteer opportunities will be reviewed. 

Please make your reservation for the luncheon by Thursday, Aug. 29 by sending an email to Wof7Lakes@gmail.com.

The Women of Seven Lakes is a not-for-profit organization that holds monthly meetings at the Chapel in the Pines on the first Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. unless otherwise specified. 

These meetings consist of a brief business meeting, a speaker and fellowship over refreshments. Speakers are scheduled based on the needs and interests of the members.

Guest speakers for the 2024-2025 membership year include Kim Daly, Christmas for Moore, who will speak on how the organization helps families and individuals in need at Christmas; several female entrepreneurs in the Seven Lakes area who will speak about their businesses; and Ray Owen, Arts Council of Moore County, writer. November will feature an onsite tour of Southern Supreme Fruitcake and More in Bear Creek. 

The annual meeting is held in May; the program for that month will include a food demonstration by Louis Leoncini.

A fundamental purpose of the Women of Seven Lakes is to engage the charitable enterprise in the Seven Lakes area. Accordingly, the Women of Seven Lakes also plan to have at least two fundraising events to support not-for-profit organizations that benefit the Seven Lakes area. 

The first fundraiser, scheduled for Dec. 7, is a Pancake Breakfast with Santa. The second fundraiser, scheduled for March 22 is a Spring Fashion Show featuring clothing from Lisa’s Boutique in Carthage and Looking for Linda in Vass.

Brochures containing details about the above information and a membership form will soon be available at the mail houses in Seven Lakes North, South and West and the West End Post Office. 

Yearly dues will remain at $15 for this year. Checks should be made out to Women of Seven Lakes and mailed to: Women of Seven Lakes, 850 Seven Lakes North, West End, NC 27376. If you prefer to pay online, please see your membership email.

For further information or to request a brochure including a membership form, please send an email to Wof7Lakes@gmail.com.