Women of Seven Lakes Celebrate Events

The Women of Seven Lakes make their Christmas wishes for another year of community outreach and service. Courtesy of the Women of Seven Lakes


The Women of Seven Lakes recently celebrated the big success of two separate events, a blood drive and pancake breakfast.

The group would like to extend a big “thank you” to everyone in the Seven Lakes community who supported their Blood Drive on Wednesday, Nov. 13. This includes planning the Blood Drive, sharing information about the Blood Drive, volunteering during the Blood Drive and donating blood. 

Those who donated blood are real heroes for helping to save lives. This was the second Blood Drive the group has sponsored. There were 37 units of blood donated for the American Red Cross, which was one more unit than in their Spring drive. The next Blood Drive is being planned for April.

The WoSL held its biggest annual fundraising event on Dec. 7, the 9th annual pancake breakfast. The event was a great success; fun was had by all. It was wonderful to see people in the holiday spirit. 

The group thrives on staying busy and serving the community. To keep abreast of WoSL meetings, events, fundraisers and community outreach, visit the website at www.womenof7lakes.com.