John Barrett learned first hand about the challenges of Alzheimer’s as he traversed the journey with his late wife Mary Anne. Now Barrett is sharing his experience, strength and knowledge with others.
On June 6, Barrett will present a program “The Journey of a Dementia Caregiver and Advocate” at 10 a.m. in the Senior Enrichment Center. Hosted by the Moore County Nursing & Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee, the program is free of charge and open to the public.
Barrett will talk about his journey and will answer questions about his caregiving experience, including the time his wife spent in local facilities. He will share tips and resources, and discuss Services and Programs offered by AOS & Friends Care, Inc. the nonprofit he co-founded.
In 2011 Barrett wrote a story of his wife’s journey to that point which encouraged First Health to form the Patient Centered Care for Individuals with Dementia task force. From 2012 to 2015 he was a member of the Patient/Family Advisory Council at First Health.
He participates on a Moore Regional Hospital Committee formed to evaluate and implement the Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) which is designed to prevent delirium and functional decline in elderly patients.
Inn 2015 Barrett’s advocacy efforts led him to co-found a nonprofit, AOS & Friends Care, Inc., with Amy Natt, CEO of Aging Outreach Services. The mission is to provide direct care funding and community support to older adults who are dealing with the challenges of aging with a focus on those with dementia.
Barrett also serves as an auxiliary facilitator at local Alzheimer/Dementia Caregiver Support Groups and acts as a personal sounding board for anyone who contacts him with questions about their dementia caregiving journey.
This program is not an endorsement of any service but is presented in support of the CAC’s mission to provide community education regarding long term care in Moore County. Registration is required by contacting Sandy Nusbaum, CAC chairman at 910-684-8246 or