The Women of Seven Lakes opened the 2018-2019 meeting year on September 6th with a picnic lunch and membership drive held at the Seven Lakes North Clubhouse.
What’s New With The Women of Seven Lakes?

The Women of Seven Lakes held another meeting on October 4th at the Chapel of the Pines at 2:00 p.m. Andrea Schmidt presented a program on painting with watercolors. Andrea is a Juried Signature Artist with the State of West Virginia Watercolor Society and has more than 40 years of teaching experience with watercolors, acrylics, and oils.
The November meeting will be held November 1, 2018, at the Chapel in the Pines at 2:00. The Women of Seven Lakes will host a speaker from the Clara McLean House who will discuss the mission and work of the facility, which provides affordable lodging for the family of out of town patients seeking medical care in our area. Membership in Women of Seven Lakes is open to anyone in the Seven Lakes community who wish to join.