May Comes At You Fast. Don’t Miss It.


Insider Editor

Here comes May with its darling buds in brilliant bloom and ending in patriotic and memorial notes. It’s brim, fresh and awake.

The evidence of the month’s fullness is written across my calendar. Young love blossoms at that upcoming wedding (congratulations Katie and Jackson). Mom anticipates a card and a visit on Mother’s Day. My heart steals for various senior celebrations and recognitions at church and school, portents of that June graduation.

Spring sports playoffs hover over the days with a characteristic “how far will they go” unpredictability. A last-minute, cross-country trip dominates Memorial Day weekend. And then there are all the things that fill in the cracks: the birthdays, doctor and dentist appointments, taco Tuesdays, spring cleaning and planting tasks, a date night or maybe two, oil changes and end of the school year projects and performances.  

After the dormancy of winter, the flourishing of May begs for our energy and engagement. May is the Ferris Beuller of months, beckoning us to skip economics class in favor of attending the art museum, parade or fancy restaurant.

It’s not just me who feels busier, I know. Our Seven Lakes Insider news cycle has been cranking up along with the warmer weather. We’ve an abundance of stories to tell about new entrepreneurial endeavors, school recognitions, community events, leadership changes and projects long in the making. 

Sometimes there aren’t just slow news days, but slow news seasons. And if things were ebbing for a while over the winter, now they are flowing — all through our pages. It’s a wonderful problem to have.

A suddenly saturated schedule reminds me to be grateful, too, for the season just past when all was germinating and taking root. The slow seasons rest us for the fast ones.

And now we are in the midst of May’s blooming; its celebrations and rememberances. It’s a month that demands we pay attention, lest it blur right by us. Because it’s just like that famous Gen Xer Beuller said, “Life moves pretty fast. And if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”