“A Safe, Quiet Place To Raise Our Children”

The following is a Letter to the Editor sent in by Laura Neilsen.

Seven Lakes West is a great community. I wanted to highlight some bright spots!

We moved to SLW in April 2018.  Within the first week, we had received no less than three baked goods and had met at least four to five neighbors  – and when I say neighbors, I mean five to six houses away.  We even had two neighbors bring small gifts to our 6 year-old twins!

In October we wanted to take our children trick or treating, but since we share custody we would not have them on October 31st.  We asked our neighbors if they would participate in “our” Halloween on the week prior.  I provided a small bag of candy and a note that if they would be home to leave a light on or an open door to indicate that we should stop (or they could just eat the candy).  EVERYONE we asked participated, many even added candy/dollar bills to the bag and when we missed one house, they drove to ours to deliver the candy!

We’ve used the Community Center for our boys crazy birthday party (30 kids and parents/siblings), had great service and very easy clean up – for us.  Johnson point has been a fun place to spend the day and the playgrounds are always clean and in working order.

We purchased our Christmas tree from our local hardware store the day after Thanksgiving (best one ever).  When I chose our tree, I did not realize how big it was and was trying to figure out how we would tie it to the top of our car, when a man came up and asked if we lived in the community.  When we said yes, he waited for us to make our purchase (his was already loaded) and delivered our tree in his pick up to our home which was completely on the other side of the lake.  We found out later that his wife was concerned because he was gone so long!

We have a gorgeous community, great neighbors, lots to do and a safe, quiet place to raise our children.  Other than not having sidewalks/bike lanes on Longleaf and the occasional lost package – which even when that happened, a FaceBook post (which we are not on) reunited us with our misdirected package, we have no complaints!  I would highly recommend SLW to anyone considering a new home.  

Thank you SLW residents – your caring shows!


Laura Nielsen