The 2019 Kids Fishing Derby was held at Johnson’s Point August 29th from 12-2 PM. Seven area youngsters, ages 5-12, participated in the tourney. The Lake Auman Sports Club sponsored the event providing trophies, beverages and snacks, bait and moral support. Sports Club Members Charlie Flinchum, Bob Long, Don Smith and Dave Lamon were the contest officials measuring, recording, baiting hooks, distributing worms and taking fish off the hooks, when needed.

This Catch and Release Tournament was divided into two age groups of 8-12 and 7 and younger. A total of 69 fish were hauled in with the junior group catching 41 and the senior group catching 28. Trophies were awarded for the biggest fish and the most fish caught per group. The junior group was represented by Matty Nielsen 6, Kierce Minicucci 6, and Konner Koekkoek 5. Kierce Minicucci caught 17 fish which was the most in that group and Matty Nielsen caught the largest, a 6 1/2 inch bream. The senior group was represented by Everett Thomson 8, Matthew D’Angelo 9, Ian Williams 9 and Max Williams 12. Everett Thomson caught 15 fish which was the most, and Ian Williams caught a 7 ¼ inch crappie, which was the largest fish caught. The biggest fish trophies were awarded to Matty Nielsen and Ian Williams. Kierce Minicucci and Everett Thomson received trophies for most fish caught in their group.

This event continues to demonstrate the mission statement of the Lake Auman’s Sports Club which is “Enhance the value of Lake Auman to the residents by providing programs that improve fishing, promote more enjoyment from fishing and by sponsoring other programs based on the surveyed interest of the community. The Lake Auman Sports Club wished to recognize the energy and fun that was displayed by volunteers, participants and parents alike. Overall the Sportsmanship that was displayed by all participants was of the highest quality and we look forward to next years event on Labor Day weekend.