Women of Seven Lakes Hear Nagy

John Nagy, the editor of The Pilot, spoke Oct. 7 at the meeting of Women of Seven Lakes.

“He was quite entertaining as he described the role of small newspapers in local communities and how advances in technology are forcing newspapers to adapt,” says a spokesman. “He opted to have us donate the $50 speaker fee to the Moore Coalition of Human Care in honor his parents, who were long time volunteers there.” Members enjoyed baked goods provided by Barb House, Kathy McNamara and Valerie Doolittle.

On Thursday, Oct. 28, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., members will meet to clean up Love Grove Church Road. Tracy Cicatelli will provide gloves, bags and several pickers, for the group. She is co-chairwoman of Keep Moore County Beautiful. Wear sturdy shoes, bring pinecone grabbers or other tools to make collecting trash easier. Meet at the corner of Love Grove Church Road and N.C. 211.

On Thursday, Nov. 4, the meeting will be held at the North Clubhouse. Mark Saulsbury from the West End United Methodist Church Food Pantry will be the guest speaker. 

“We will collect both monetary and food donations for the food pantry,” says the spokesman. “Canned fruits and vegetables are always a big need. You can make checks payable to the Women of Seven Lakes, and we will write one check for the WEUM Food Pantry.

On Saturday, Dec. 4, the group will hold its annual pancake breakfast. 

“We will have tickets available at our November meeting and a sign-up sheet for volunteers,” says the spokesman.