Tomorrow, Saturday, Nov. 13 at 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., join Changing Destinies Ministry at the National Athletic Village for their annual Harvest Fest for Freedom. All proceeds benefit their human trafficking programs and shelter. It’s a fun, family event that CDM hosts to spread awareness and help people learn the signature red flags of human trafficking.
Expect food trucks, local baked goods, and beverages from Southern Pines Brewing Company. For entertainment, there will be music from Dark Horse Duo, raffles and games with prizes, a prayer and blessings booth, a magician from Twisted Dog Productions, a craft and engraving booth from Joyful Creations, lessons on family self defense from Vigilance Combative, a visit from the Yellow Rockers Square Dance Club, and crowd-favorite character appearances from One Upon a Time Fairytale. If that wasn’t enough, even the Southern Pines Police Department will be showing up to host kids finger painting, and the SP Fire Department plans to open up one of their trucks for visits.
The National Athletic Village is located at 201 Air Tool Drive in Southern Pines.
A rain date is set for Nov. 20, though skies are looking clear at this point.
Family tickets (meaning immediate family) are $35, adult tickets are $15, and kids tickets (from the ages of 4-17) are $12. Buy them in advance using the link below or purchase them at the event.