Landon Patterson from Union Pines Navy Junior ROTC rings the bell after each veterans name is read. Moore County Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 966 will be displaying 500 American Flags, Honoring living and deceased veterans and military personnel, at the West End Fire Department from Sat. Nov 4th thru Sunday Nov 12th. The dedication ceremony took place Sunday Nov 5th at 2pm. Ted Fitzgerald/The Pilot
The Vietnam Veterans of America, Moore County Chapter 966 held their annual Field of Honor Ceremony on Sunday, Nov. 5th at the West End Fire House. Over 450 flags are on display from Nov. 5 through Nov. 12 to honor veterans.
The flags are each labeled with the name of a veteran, active-duty service member or combat combat dog. UPHS NROTC provided the Honor Guard.
During the ceremony, the names on the flags were read. A ship’s bell rang at the reading of the names of the deceased veterans on the flags.
Marine Corp Sgt. Ben Benjamin plays taps. Moore County Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 966 will be displaying 500 American Flags, Honoring living and deceased veterans and military personnel, at the West End Fire Department from Sat. Nov 4th thru Sunday Nov 12th. The dedication ceremony took place Sunday Nov 5th at 2pm. Ted Fitzgerald/The PilotBoy Scout Troop 98 leads the guests in the Pledge of Allegiance. Moore County Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 966 will be displaying 500 American Flags, Honoring living and deceased veterans and military personnel, at the West End Fire Department from Sat. Nov 4th thru Sunday Nov 12th. The dedication ceremony took place Sunday Nov 5th at 2pm. Ted Fitzgerald/The PilotKim Tackett views the flags. Ted Fitzgerald/The PilotMoore County Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 966 will be displaying 500 American Flags, Honoring living and deceased veterans and military personnel, at the West End Fire Department from Sat. Nov 4th thru Sunday Nov 12th. The dedication ceremony took place Sunday Nov 5th at 2pm. Ted Fitzgerald/The PilotBud Tackett, a veteran of Desert Storm, looks the name of a family member. Each Flag had a Veteran’s Name and was dedicated to them and their Service to our Country. Ted Fitzgerald/The PilotBud Tackett, a veteran of Desert Storm, looks the name of a family member. Each Flag had a Veteran’s Name and was dedicated to them and their Service to our Country. Ted Fitzgerald/The PilotJoe Easley, President of Moore County Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 966 welcomes the visitors. Landon Patterson and Ellie Chapin from Union Pines Navy Junior ROTC flank Mr. Easley. Ted Fitzgerald/The PilotLandon Patterson and Ellie Chapin from Union Pines Navy Junior ROTC place the flags honoring WWII veterans Ray Lambert and Ed Black in the front row. Ted Fitzgerald/The PilotMoore County Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 966 will be displaying 500 American Flags, Honoring living and deceased veterans and military personnel, at the West End Fire Department from Sat. Nov 4th thru Sunday Nov 12th. The dedication ceremony took place Sunday Nov 5th at 2pm. Ted Fitzgerald/The Pilot