Garden Club Tour Displays Beauty In Community

Moneen Bethea's Garden

On Saturday, June 10th, the Seven Lakes Garden Cub hosted a self-guided tour to share the natural beauty of home gardens with the community.

Seven gardens were featured in Seven Lakes North, South, and West.  These included the gardens of Moneen Bethea, Betty Overby, and Rosemary Payne.

Moneen Bethea moved to Seven Lakes in 2008.  Since her arrival, she has been working diligently with her husband to improve the landscaping of their home and four acres of land.  Their intentions to fill up the yard were fulfilled with various flowers and fountains.

Betty Overby began gardening as a child with her family.  She was the middle child out of ten children, and always chose to work outside when she had the chance.

Payne has been working on her garden for six years.  She uses irrigation from Lake Echo to keep her plants healthy and hydrated.

The Seven Lakes Garden Club will not be meeting during the summer months.  For more information on the Garden Club, email Lisa Sheridan at

Moneen Bethea’s Garden

Moneen Bethea’s Garden

Moneen Bethea’s Garden

Moneen Bethea’s Garden

Moneen Bethea’s Garden

Moneen Bethea’s Garden

Moneen Bethea’s Garden

Moneen Bethea’s Garden

A gift basket and flower pot that were rffled off.

Betty Overby’s Garden

Betty Overby’s Garden

Betty Overby’s Garden

Betty Overby’s Garden

Betty Overby of Seven Lakes North

Betty Overby’s Garden

Rosemary Payne’s Garden

Rosemary Payne and Nancy

Rosemary Payne and Nancy

Rosemary Payne’s Garden