We have lived in Seven Lakes South for over four years, and enjoy the quiet comfort of this community. To get to our home we must drive across the Echo Lake dam on Firetree. We were quite annoyed when the notorious speed bumps were installed a few months ago, and celebrate their removal a few weeks ago.
I believe that the majority of residents in Seven Lakes appreciate the ambiance of the community, and do not wish to disrupt our quality of life by reckless driving. May I suggest that the twenty-five mph speed limit is a bit unrealistic. As we enter the gates after driving forty or fifty, it seems almost impossible to reduce speed to twenty-five. I suggest a more realistic limit of thirty-five, with a reminder to be alert and slow down when you approach pedestrians. I would like to believe that we all can follow this pattern, and drive even more responsibly at the thirty-five limit.

Harry Bronkar
Seven Lakes North Resident