The Money Belongs to the People Who Earned It

Raleigh, N.C. – Over the last five years since the legislature enacted historic tax reform, North Carolina has performed better than the country and the region on GDP growth, personal income growth, and employment growth. Because of this incredible success, the State of North Carolina collected $900 million more than expected last year. The people sent more money than the government budgeted for, so we should send that money back to the people who earned it and that’s exactly what the Taxpayer Refund Act will do. Every taxpayer in the state will receive a check in the amount they paid in state taxes, up to a maximum of $125 for an individual or $250 for a couple. We’re still willing to negotiate with the Governor about the budget. The Governor has made it clear that he will not sign any budget, even his own, without Medicaid expansion first, so negotiating a new budget is impossible so long as he maintains his ultimatum. We added money for most programs in the budget, but the Governor vetoed it over his Medicaid-or-nothing ultimatum. The people spend their money better than government spends their money.

“Every tax dollar that goes to Raleigh came from a North Carolina taxpayer” said Senator McInnis.  “It is only right to return an overpayment to the citizens who earned it in the beginning.”