The North Carolina General Assembly unanimously passed Senate Bill 199 last week. This bill, short titled “Child Sex Abuse Act/Strengthen Laws” protects children from online predators, expands the duty to report child abuse, clarifies the right to revoke consent to sexual relations, and extends the statute of limitations for a civil action for child sexual abuse among other important provisions. This is a big step in the right direction for North Carolina to protect and seek justice victims of sexual assault.
Senate Bill 199 is a legislative package produced from a bicameral and bipartisan conference committee. Important language from House Bill 393, of which I was a primary sponsor, was included in Senate Bill 199. House Bill 393 made three important modifications to state law. One makes it a crime to have sexual relations with an individual who is incapacitated even if that person’s condition was caused by his or her actions. Secondly, it would be illegal to tamper with an individual’s drink, this could include adding a harmful or controlled substance to someone’s beverage. Thirdly, this bill modified the definition of a child’s caretaker to expand the definition to include a person other than a parent or guardian responsible for the health and welfare of a child.
All of the provisions in Senate Bill 199 are intended to improve North Carolina and protect survivors of assault. I am proud to have had a small part in this giant victory for our State.