On Saturday, September 8th, the North Carolina Wrestling Factory will be having special guest Kyle Snyder come and do clinics at their club in Carthage. Kyle Snyder is known as both the youngest Olympic gold medalist and youngest World Champion in American wrestling history.
The North Carolina Wrestling Factory (NCWF) opened their doors in August of 2016. Their goal was to provide individuals with the opportunity and a program which develops individual character, strength, stamina and sportsmanship through a competitive wrestling program.
NCWF offers wrestlers the opportunity to train year round and compete in state and national events not offered through school programs. Not only do they provide an affordable location, but any additional funding is put into scholarships for students going into college.
The founders of NCWF wanted to be able to somehow put money right back into the community. Any funds that are not used to buy mats or equipment go into supporting area wrestling programs or the scholarship fund. This past spring, $1500 worth of scholarships was awarded to local students.
“We think it’s important to do scholarships,” said NCWF President, Joe Van Cleave. “They don’t have to wrestle in college to be awarded a scholarship.”
Up until this point, the cost of rent and utilities has been funded by donations – mostly by members of the board of directors. Wrestling coaches are volunteers from the community. Barry Hull is the Head Coach for the Novice and Intermediate Program with help from Assistant Coaches Nick Myles and Garrett Pugh. Brian Rowan is the Head Coach of the Advanced Program and frequently invites clinicians from the area to work with the advanced Eagles. Nate Yetzer (Ferrum University), Josh Malave (Mt. Union College), Dallas Roemer (Gardner Webb University and Pinecrest Alumni), and Daniel Young (West Point Wrestling Alumni) have been a few of the guest clinicians at NCWF.
Coach Brian Rowan has also arranged for Olympic gold medalist and World Champion Kyle Snyder to do a clinic at the Wrestling Factory on September 8th. Each clinic will include a time for questions and autographs. Everyone at NCWF is so grateful for this opportunity.
The Wrestling Factory will also soon be holding their annual fundraiser at the Country Club of Whispering Pines. This fundraiser is hosted by Dave and Sally Pettine and will include a lunch and social hour. Individuals may sign up to play golf with friends and support the North Carolina Wrestling Factory online at www.ncwrestlingfactory.com. Donations may also be made. All funds raised go towards scholarship funds and equipment.
“Our primary goal is to create opportunities for local area wrestlers,” said Cindy Van Cleave, NCWF Board Member. “If you’re a wrestler, we want you to come and give us a try. We want you to know about us.”
The North Carolina Wrestling Factory is located at 261 Niagara-Carthage Road in Carthage. For more information, visit https://ncwrestlingfactory.com/. Be sure to visit their Facebook page at Facebook.com/NCWrestlFactory.com.