Christian and Katrina Blevins were married on December 21st, 2016 and have been living in the Seven Lakes West area for the past five years.
Just a few short months after marriage, they set up their home in Seven Lakes West where they and Katrina’s four children would be a family. Christian’s daughter currently lives in Texas.
In July, they learned the exciting news that they were expecting a son who would be due in March 2019.
One month later on Katrina’s birthday (August 29th), Christian was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic melanoma. On September 7th, they received a call that Christian needed to come in right away for emergency surgery.
“That is the day I quit my job to go to be with him,” Katrina said.
Two weeks later, another surgery was performed. What had originally begun in his spine and neck began to spread to just about every bone in his body in addition to his lungs, liver, and the base of his brain.
Christian was taken back to the hospital on November 7th where he remained until the day after Thanksgiving. During his stay, six more surgeries took place, and he contracted C. Diff and a staph infection.
Four days later, he was taken by ambulance to the hospital as he was in septic shock and again battling C. Diff. He returned home just before Christmas.
Things began to improve until mid-January when medications stopped having an effect. On February 11th, he was told that he needed to begin radiation on the 12th.

The doctors worked with Christian and Katrina to delay the radiation one day. The doctors took the extra day to induce Katrina 1.5 weeks before her due date so that Christian could enjoy their son, Ezra, during his day of birth on the 12th.
Christian received radiation treatment at Duke and stayed in a hotel close by so that he could be within twenty minutes of the treatment center.
His first immune therapy was March 13th, and on March 31st, Christian was moved to a hospice house. Christian and Katrina’s parents have all been helping and supporting the family as well as Christian’s brother who visited him in hospice.
Right now, the family is in need of encouragement, prayers, meals, and donations.
Please send cards to Christian Blevins 6271 SLW, West End, NC 27376.
To sign up to prepare a meal for the family, visit https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/94zm2l.
To donate, visit https://www.gofundme.com/support-tian-blevins039-cancer-battle?member=733828&fbclid=IwAR2AwrTv5ROz9lyzf4AYaQELKYtWcmZxEUbaSo5L9cN7JN7TXRUjPvLvOtg.