Kiwanis Meetings & Bingo Cancelled

Kiwanis Bingo

Hi everyone,

Below you will find an announcement from Kiwanis Club of Seven Lakes President, George Norman:

Good Afternoon 

It is the decision of the Kiwanis Chapter Board of Directors that we suspend our Kiwanis meetings and BINGO for the remainder of this month through the first meeting April 7.  Our next scheduled weekly Kiwanis meeting will be on April 14th with BINGO returning April 21. 

We will monitor the situation with the virus and what the health department and Chapel In The Pines does and that will dictate when we start meeting again.

We will keep you posted on everything.

The main thing is for everyone to stay safe and healthy.


I concur with our President.  The last thing any of us need is for someone to catch the Coronavirus while playing Kiwnais Bingo.  Bill and I want you and your families to be safe and healthy and look forward to seeing each of you on April 21.  We will continue to keep you posted if anything changes.  
