Seven Lakes Fitness Center has held a strong presence within the community for over 30 years.
With their local establishment featuring a pool, weights, cardio equipment, and aerobics classes, it’s no wonder they had 350 members prior to COVID-19.
However, during the start of quarantine, Marjorie and Wayne Nurnberg witnessed the drastic turn of events firsthand.
What had been a profitable income suddenly turned into a struggle to pay the bills. The 350 members dwindled to a couple dozen members.
The Fitness Center was forced to lay off all employees, and Marjorie began working 12 hour days several times a week.

Now that the governor has allowed gyms a bit more freedom in opening, the Nurnbergs are working to regain some of their members. They are taking precautions with sanitization within the gym and encouraging locals to stay home if needed.
“We are taking [COVID-19] very seriously,” Marjorie said. “I’ve seen people who have gotten it and been fine, and I’ve heard of people who are perfectly healthy get it who now will have only 50% lung capacity for the rest of their lives. I also have a friend who lost two aunts to COVID.”
Currently, the membership is around 70, but Marjorie hopes to get that number up to what it once was nearly a year ago.
“We would like to get to back to where we once were,” Marjorie said.
In terms of cleanliness, the Nurnbergs are reserving pool lanes so that there are no more than 4 people in the pool at a time (one per lane) with the exception of water aerobics classes where social distancing is observed.
Workout rooms are limited to 6 people per room with at least one machine between persons at all times. Each member is to wipe down machines both before and after usage to reduce the spread of germs.
Marjorie also sprays an air sanitizer, and most members wear a mask for extra protection. High-traffic surfaces are cleaned several times a day.

“Use your own judgement with coming out. If you don’t feel safe, then stay home,” she said. “We’re cleaning surfaces multiple times a day.”
A good portion of members who are still attending range in age from teen to 90 years old. We hope that healthy diet and exercise will help strengthen the immune system and aid in preventing/fighting COVID.
With the Fitness Center gaining back some members, they have been able to hire back a couple of their staff members, including Marjorie’s daughter.
The Seven Lakes Fitness Center is currently open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 5:00am – 5:00pm and Saturdays 9:00am – 2:00pm. They hope to increase their hours as membership increases.